The Panevėžys region Industry 4.0 advisory board helps develop the Industry 4.0 direction.. It consists of specialists of high competencies, which represent Panevėžys business companiesand their associations, institutions pof education and science, and public sector, also the experts of innovations, economic development and other areas. Advisory board has been formed to help form the guidelines of developing the Industry 4.0, distinct the priorities, offer problem solving methods and make other strategic decisions. Advisory board activity is regulated by Advisory Board Regulations.
The Panevėžys city Industry 4.0 Advisory Board members:
- Tomas Prūsas, UAB „HARJU ELEKTER“ general director – the President
- Andrius Meržvinskas, UAB „Automatikos sistemos“ Unit Head of Automation and Programming – the Deputy President
- Vytautas Kalinauskas, the Panevėžys city municipality Urban Development Unit Project Manager – the Coordinator
- Mantas Gudas, the President of Panevėžys Region Industrial Association
- Aleksandras Izgorodinas, UAB „SME Finance“ Chief Economist
- Justinas Katkus, UAB „Factobotics“ Co-Founder and Product Design Lead
- Živilė Kazlauskaitė, VšĮ „Investuok Lietuvoje“ Region Development Team Lead
- Eugenijus Kuchalskis, Panevėžys City Municipality Education Unit Deputy Head
- Jokūbas Leipus, Panevėžys City Municipality Urban Development Unit Head
- Aurimas Lukoševičius, UAB „Adax“ Director
- Visvaldas Matkevičius, Panevėžys Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts General Manager
- Marius Pastarnokas, Foreign Investors Business Association of Panevėžys „FIBAssiociation“ Management Board Member
- Raimundas Petrauskas, UAB „Schmitz Cargobull Baltic“ General Manager
- Dovydas Račiūnas, UAB „Techvitas“ Engienner
- Bronius Sadula, Panevėžys Vocational Center Director
- Gediminas Sargūnas, Panevėžys University of Applied Sciences Director
- Daumantas Simėnas, Lithuanian Robotics Association Director
- Inga Tribuišienė, UAB „Burbuliukas ir co“ Director
- Tomas Ubartas, UAB „Serpantinas“ Sr. Project Manager
- Daiva Žostautienė, Kaunas University of Technology Panevėžys Faculty of Technology and Business Dean
„I wish that the Panevėžys region and Lithuania would be famous for being valuable members of global engineering industry. Not everybody knows but even today we are creating systems for autonomous ships, electric vehicles and smart factories. Business and municipalities have to interest the youth to choose engineering studies and jobs of high added value. That is the goal of Industry 4.0 Advisory Board." – Tomas Prūsas, UAB „HARJU ELEKTER“ General Manager, the President of the Panevėžys city Industry 4.0 Advisory Board