Etnographic Farmstead in Smilgiai

The folk museum was opened in 1979 in a farmstead dating back to the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century. The ethnographic farmstead restores the authentic peasant’s household and crafts back from the 19th century. The farmstead covers 6 houses: the “gryčia”, which means the dwelling house, the blacksmith’s shop, the barn, the stable, the bathhouse and the chapelcolumn. All houses were brought from places all around Panevėžys region. The farmstead holds entertaining educative sessions “The old farm household and crafts” for school children.

Panevėžio g. 21, Smilgiai, Panevėžys district

+370 45 55 35 24 smilgiu-etnografine-sodyba/

55.805868, 24.015786 (WGS)