Project "The improvement of the business environment at Panevėžys"
In May-December of 2020, Panevėžys Development Agency implemented the project "The improvement of the business environment in Panevėžys." The project aims to build an environment favorable for business and investments by increasing the attractiveness of city resources, solving the issues of the business environment, and taking into account the priorities of Panevėžys business, investors, and municipality.
During the project, an assessment of Panevėžys city business environment was performed by applying methodically useful indicators; the information on the business and investment environment in Panevėžys was distributed to the target audiences. Moreover, the following initiatives were implemented: to increase the matching of studies, vocational and secondary training in the city and the needs of local business, to create favorable conditions for the residents who return or come to Panevėžys, to strengthen the collaboration between the sectors of business, education, science, and municipality, to strengthen the ecosystem of city' strategic direction Industry 4.0, to convey an image of Panevėžys as a city which is attractive for business and investments. To help the tourism sector's business adapt to changes and consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, the means of tourism promotion in the region are envisaged.
The project is financed by the funds of Panevėžys city municipality.
We are executing various initiatives to perfect the professional orientation, increase the attractiveness of studies, attract talents, and improve business resilience.